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🎣 Fishing

Documentation relating to the kd_peche.

1. Installation

kd_peche is a standalone script. So you don't need a specific framework to use it. It's also mean it works with all framework (Esx, QBCore, VRP, DRP, …).

  • Drag and drop the resource in your resources folder
    • kd_peche
  • Add this ensure in your server.cfg
    • ensure kd_peche
  • Congratulation, the Fishing script is ready to be use !

2. Usage

Start fishing with the client event. 3 level are availables by default

  • 1 - Easy level : Easy to catch fish but less expensive
  • 2 - Medium level : Hard to catch but better loot
  • 3 - Hard level : Very hard to catch but exclusive loot
TriggerEvent('fish', <level> )

You can add custom level in the config file.

3. Config.lua

RegisterCommand('fish', function(args)
    TriggerEvent("Peche:debut",2) --Fishing with rod level 2

Keys = {
  ["stop"] = '~INPUT_DETONATE~',
  ['hook'] = '~INPUT_FRONTEND_ACCEPT~'

ItemFishable = {
  { -- rod level 0
      {nom = "Poisson commun",id = 66,chance = {0,5400}}, -- 5400 - 0 = 54%
      {nom = "Ecrevisse",id = 67,chance = {5401,6900}}, -- 6900 - 5401 = 14.99%
      {nom = "Anchois",id = 68,chance = {6901,8400}}, -- 8400 - 6901 = 14.99%
      {nom = "Algue revitalisante",id = 69,chance = {8401,9900}}, -- 9900 - 8401 = 14.99%
      {nom = "Chaussure",id = 70,chance = {9901,9910}}, -- 9910 - 9901 = 0.09%
      {nom = "Pneu",id = 71,chance = {9911,9950}}, -- 9950 - 9911 = 0.39%
      {nom = "Sac plastique",id = 72,chance = {9951,10000}}, -- 10000 - 9951 = 0.49%
  { -- rod level 1
      {nom = "Poisson commun",id = 66,chance = {0,5400}},
      {nom = "Ecrevisse",id = 67,chance = {5401,6900}},
      {nom = "Anchois",id = 68,chance = {6901,8400}},
      {nom = "Algue revitalisante",id = 69,chance = {8401,9900}},
      {nom = "Chaussure",id = 70,chance = {9901,9910}},
      {nom = "Pneu",id = 71,chance = {9911,9950}},
      {nom = "Sac plastique",id = 72,chance = {9951,9998}},
      {nom = "Perle noire",id = 73,chance = {9999,10000}},
  { -- rod level 2
      {nom = "Poisson commun",id = 66,chance = {0,5000}},
      {nom = "Ecrevisse",id = 67,chance = {5001,5900}},
      {nom = "Anchois",id = 68,chance = {5901,7500}},
      {nom = "Algue revitalisante",id = 69,chance = {7501,9997}},
      {nom = "Perle noire",id = 73,chance = {9998,10000}},

BarAnimation = 0
LargeurBar = 0.08
HauteurBar = 0.01
TimerAnimation = LargeurBar
MaxTry = {
    [0] = 6, --Try for rod level 0
    [1] = 4, --Try for rod level 1
    [2] = 3 --Try for rod level 2
SuccessLimit = {
    [0] = 85/100*LargeurBar, -- % of win for rod level 0
    [1] = 92/100*LargeurBar, -- % of win for rod level 1
    [2] = 98/100*LargeurBar, -- % of win for rod level 2
AnimationSpeed = 0.001

-- Function when player hook successfully a fish
function GiveItemToPlayer(id)
  --Give item to player

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